
This is some of my animations. Just like life, learning never stops. Keep animating, keep training, keep trying. I'm far away from perfect, any comments and/or critiques would be very welcomed.

3D Modeling

When I was moving on from 2D Artist onto 3D, modeling was my first stepping stone. Go check it out.

2D Artwork

Before the Hilma-as-animator time has come, I was more as a 2D artist. I love sketching, digital painting, and making comics. Although I don't do all of that much lately, I still sketch and paint in my spare time.


It's a good training and application of cinematography. Plus I make alot of friends by it. I didn't have wide knowlededge of any photography techniques. I just use basic theory + my cinematography senses and skill. So I'm quite happy when alot of people love my works.

Animation Showreel

My newest reel. Click on picture for Youtube link, or click here for Vimeo version.

Jan 10, 2011

Stops a Moment in The Middle of Hecticness

Hey, everyone..
Just added few updates on portfolio. That are new doodles to the drawing porto, and the last render of Punyu to the 3D modeling portfolio.
Sorry I'm not updating blog pretty much lately. I'm on transition mode on moving process to the new job. That is just one week from now. Can't do much on blogging untill I've got settled. Well, hope everything will be back to normal soon. Though I can't lie that all this movement is very exciting for me. A whole new experience is waiting ...And a flight, ummm. Did I ever tell you that I'm afraid of using plane?

Jan 4, 2011

Happy New Year

2011 for me is the start of change. I'm going to make a great movement in my life. This is the time -while I still have it- to take the risk and jump for a new experience, new point of view, and better life.
I just got great news right on the last day of 2010, We'll see if everything's going well as planned. I can't wait to share it with everyone. Maybe some of them would believe it's too radical and sudden, but actually I've already make some hints last year. Ready or not the time has come.


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