Black Rock Shooter by ~hifarry on deviantART
Some step by step progress:
And the final version, I decided to remove the red because it's kind of ruining BRS colour pallete:
This is some of my animations. Just like life, learning never stops. Keep animating, keep training, keep trying. I'm far away from perfect, any comments and/or critiques would be very welcomed.
When I was moving on from 2D Artist onto 3D, modeling was my first stepping stone. Go check it out.
Before the Hilma-as-animator time has come, I was more as a 2D artist. I love sketching, digital painting, and making comics. Although I don't do all of that much lately, I still sketch and paint in my spare time.
It's a good training and application of cinematography. Plus I make alot of friends by it. I didn't have wide knowlededge of any photography techniques. I just use basic theory + my cinematography senses and skill. So I'm quite happy when alot of people love my works.
My newest reel. Click on picture for Youtube link, or click here for Vimeo version.