Nov 6, 2010

Evacuation -> Vacuum Blogging

As you already knew I live in Indonesia, Javanese Island, Jogjakarta City.
There's an active volcano in the uptown of my city that is Mount Merapi. It had erupt on October 26th ago, and still erupting untill now.
Now I'm evacuating to my parents house that live further than my house, just in case, while waiting untill the volcano calms again. I don't know if I still could write anything artsy in this blog while this is still happenning. All my mind and my heart is concentrated into Merapi, the victims, and the people of Jogjakarta. The lovely, simple  and friendly people of the city I love, now is in distress. Hope it would all be over soon. Be strong everyone, God helps us.

Pray for Indonesia.

The eruption brings volcanic dust everywhere around Mount Merapi. It's dangerous for human health so a gas mask is a must. While lot of people use thick and light mask, I prefer the big one. Maybe they say it look dumb, but for me.. This is steam punk, dude!


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