Oct 7, 2010

Gundam Again and World of Warcraft

I already got the toy couple weeks ago actually, but I didn't have the time for the photo session. Just took it this morning, my first 1/100 scale Gundam, ZGMF-X42S DESTINY.

World of Warcraft

Now this one is kinda new, as my possession to be more precisely. Because this was a loose pack, second hand, and in unperfect condition. No base stand nor weapons. That's why I got it in a really cheap price, less than a half of how much it has to be.
I need to retouch it a little like put it on hot water to straighten the wings, stick the loose head, and cut a drawing board for the base, but that was where I enjoy it. I'm not a perfect collector I can say that, but at least I got new nice model for a photo session. Nice!



Wogh DESTINY GUNDAM!! It's cool. How much did you spend for it?? I'm looking for STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM. Anybody knows (approx) how much is it now? Not the Master Grade ofcourse.

The Warcraft figure's lil bit awkward. I mean, Illidan Stormrage is a bluish Night Elf (or ex-Night Elf), not a black demon with a green neon light. And even though he gets Skull of Guldan, but he's not in his Demon Mode, so it supposes to be a normal bluish Night Elf with 2 wings and a pair of horns IMHO.

Nah, it's not the real bandai version of Gundam. I'm not really proud of it if you look for the real Gundam XD.

IDK if it was my retouching or the light, but that is actually Illidan on Demon Form.
This is the official picture with the actual colour http://www.youbuynow.com/item/World_Warcraft_Illidan_Demon_Form_Deluxe_Figure
And yes, the colour is correct, he should be in dark purple colour and greenish neon light, according to this pic http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100319041530/wowwiki/images/a/aa/IllidanBCart.jpg
Now this one is official pic from Burning Crusade cinematic. He doesn't look too purple here, but he has the green neon. LOL

I was looking for a 3 feet tall Gundam action figure but I was still unlucky. Smaller ones are the only available in eBay.

If you mean it's the classic gundam one, I think I saw that in one of the shop.

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